This part of Sicily is still relatively unknown and unspoilt.  Its coastline is dotted with wide bays, enchanting hidden coves and long sandy beaches.  The sun shines supreme most of the year and the sea is a million shades of blue, from sapphire to cobalt.

The Iblei Mountains provide a spectacular backdrop to the coastline and the Villa.  Thanks to our good weather visitors choose this location for a holiday in any season and Villa Aurea makes a perfect base for pleasant day trips.  And anytime you don’t feel like going out, it’s also the perfect place just to rest and relax in your “home from home”.


Ancient sea village that developed in the eighteenth century around the “Caricatore” and the Tower built by Count Giovanni Bernardo Cabrera in 1429 to defend the “loader” and the surrounding territory from the raids of Arab pirates who infested the Mediterranean. The Tower destroyed by the earthquake of 1693, was rebuilt by the seventh Count of the Modica County, Giovanni Tommaso Henriques Cabrera, who added a large crenellated platform and two buttresses. Today it is the visiting card of the city and the place around which the most important events take place, such as the Fish Festival. Along the narrow and winding streets wrapped in the silence of the neighborhoods, you breathe an ancient atmosphere as if time had stopped. Pozzallo also boasts a clean sea, numerous meeting points, pizzerias, pubs, two large golden beaches, beautiful places to sunbathe or swim.

A little more than a rock 5 kilometers from Porto Palo, it can be reached from the mainland through a small pier that separates two beautiful beaches with golden and fine sand and a beach that seems to never end. It houses the lighthouse and the ruins of a military post. Here you can deepen both the naturalistic and holiday aspect looking at migratory birds that cross the island, or practicing surfing and windsurfing.

It is a small fishing village at the southeastern end of Sicily, built around an active tonnara until the beginning of the Second World War. Today it is a popular seaside resort for the beauty of the pristine sea waters, for the immense and sandy beaches, for the low houses of the fishermen that overlook the sea and for the “balata” square, where you can taste various local products. Famous directors have immortalized and made famous this small fraction of Pachino. In August, Marzamemi organizes the “Fish and Wine Festival” which attracts many families and young people from nearby areas.

Cited by Cicero, Pliny and Ptolemy, the bay of Porto Ulisse is renowned as a legendary place where the Homeric hero landed during his roaming around the Mediterranean Sea. The archaeologists have identified Apolline, a Roman station where it was possible to haul boats. Several finds were found, including fragments covered with a Byzantine 6th century ship, discovered in 1960 about 500 meters from the coast.
This picturesque stretch of coast, located near Ispica along the south-eastern coast of Sicily, is characterized by the presence of a beach, called “Porto Ulisse”, known for its superb panorama of its suggestive faraglioni. The sea, clear and crystalline, offers calm and still waters thanks to the presence of a small inlet. Constituted by a sandy inlet, it is bounded by the rocky promontory of Punta Castellazzo, where an ancient fortress was built in defense of the hinterland and the port.

Ciriga’s faraglioni are two islets composed of limestone structures with a height of about 15 meters and a width of about 10 meters. They are located in the Malta channel, near the Sicilian coast, near Punta Ciriga.
Places a few meters from the Mediterranean coast, the faraglioni form with the beach in front of an attraction rather appreciated by visitors. The surface covered with vegetation, located at the top is impossible to reach without adequate equipment due to the shape of the stacks that have vertical walls on all sides.


After the earthquake of 1693, the reconstruction split the community into two entities that were from 1865 to 1926 two different Municipalities: the old Ibla rebuilt in medieval style, on the traces of the ancient city, with narrow streets, buildings, houses leaning one on ‘other, and the new Ragusa built on the hills Patro, Cucinello, Corrado, Pendente and Selvaggio, with rectilinear streets lined with buildings, houses and apartment buildings. In the new city, via Roma cuts the city in a parallel sense. Along Corso Italia you can admire the Cathedral of San Giovanni, the Church Collegio di Maria, the baroque Palazzo Lupis and the Palazzo Bertini with the three masks depicting the poor, the noble and the merchant. Ibla, the old city. Going down the 289 steps, from the square of the church of Santa Maria delle Scale you get to the statue of San Francesco da Paola. From here begins the Salita Commendatore where there are some of the most amazing buildings and churches in the city. Continuing beyond the Baroque Palace La Rocca, home of the Provincial Autonomous Tourist Office, you reach the Cathedral of San Giorgio. The church is dominated by a 43-meter-high dome with stained blue windows. Taking Corso XXV Aprile we arrive at Piazza Pola, where the Church of San Giuseppe rises. HOW TO ARRIVE: from Villa Aurea take the SS115 up to Ragusa.

Capital of the ancient County, Modica was razed to the ground by the terrible earthquake in 1693 and entirely rebuilt in baroque style. The city is divided into Modica Alta and Modica Bassa. Modica Bassa runs along two main streets, Via Marchesa Tedeschi and Corso Umberto, where once flowed the rivers Ianni Mauro and Pozza dei Pruni. Magnificent examples of Baroque architecture are the Cathedral of San Pietro with a monumental staircase embellished by the statues of the twelve apostles on the sides; the Church of Santa Maria di Betlemme, famous for its beautiful terracotta nativity scene created by Father Benedetto Papale in 1882; Church of Carmine, Church of San Domenico, Palazzo San Domenico, Palazzo De Leva. Modica Alta. The Cathedral of San Giorgio rises at the top of a splendid flight of 250 steps and has a high convex facade with three shelves and a Latin cross interior divided into five naves; Palazzo Polara, the Church of San Giovanni Evangelista.
HOW TO ARRIVE: from Villa Aurea take the SS115 up to Modica.

The urban layout of Scicli dates back to the eighteenth century when the city, razed by the earthquake of 1693, was completely rebuilt further south. The central and animated Piazza Italia is dominated by the Chiesa Madre di Sant’Ignazio, with its beautiful Baroque façade. from a majestic portal. Important is the Church of San Bartolomeo, dating back to the fifteenth century, the only one that has resisted the earthquake of 1693. Behind the church stands the hill of San Matteo; along its slope you can see the caves of the rock settlement of Chiafura and on the top the Church of San Matteo. The pearl of the city’s baroque are the ecclesiastical and civil monuments that are found in via Mormino Penna: the Church of San Giovanni Evangelista, the Church of San Michele and the Church of Santa Teresa. In Piazza Busacca you can admire the Church of Carmine. Even the civil architecture is full of monuments from the Baroque period such as Palazzo Fava, Palazzo Spadaro, Palazzo Busacca and Palazzo Beneventano.
HOW TO ARRIVE: from Villa Aurea take the Pozzallo Marina di Modica, Sampieri. Here take the road to Scicli.

The city, despite the damage suffered by the earthquake of 1990 and the ravages of time, still exerts an immense charm for its beautiful buildings and baroque churches. The main street of the city, Corso Vittorio Emanuele, crosses three scenic squares: one central, Piazza Municipio, and two side, Piazzetta 30 Ottobre or dell’Immacolata in the east, and Piazza XVI Maggio or San Domenico in the west.
The Piazza dell’Immacolata is crowned by the Church of the Immaculate Conception introduced by a staircase and by the convent of the SS Salvatore. Piazza Municipio is instead dominated by a staircase that leads to the Church of San Nicolò.
Once a year, on the third Sunday of May, the streets of the city of Noto turn into a blaze of colorful flowers. The so-called infiorata.
HOW TO ARRIVE: from Villa Aurea take the SS for Noto

The city includes an area of ​​eighteenth-century plant, after the earthquake, with a wide-straight and wide road-grid checker’s mesh, and an area of ​​medieval layout with irregular traces; the latter is adjacent to a cliff where there are the ruins of a fortress and the ancient city of Spaccaforno. The eighteenth-century Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore with three naves preserves a stucco decoration by Giuseppe and Giovanni Gianforma. The Basilica of the Santissima Annunziata was built after the earthquake beginning in 1970, replacing the homonymous building destroyed in ancient Spaccaforno, today in the Forza park. The architectural structure of the Madonna del Monte Carmelo church is gradually defined throughout the seventeenth century with 18 cells for the friars and other service rooms. Reduced to rubble due to the earthquake of 1693, it was rebuilt together with the church in the 18th century. The church’s façade includes handcrafted Renaissance style bas-reliefs dating from the second half of the 16th century to the first half of the 17th century. The city of Ispica, and in particular the Loggiato del Sinatra with the background of the Basilica of S.Maria Maggiore, has been transformed into an amazing film set for the staging of the film “La Mossa del cavallo” taken from a novel by Andrea Camilleri.


Originally from Corinthia, it was founded by Archia in 734 B.C. on a small island called Ortigia. The name derives from that of a nearby swamp called Syraka. The city underwent considerable economic and political development that accentuated the conflict between the classes, and in a certain way worsened the conditions of the poor who, without land and full of debts, found themselves deprived of all rights. Thus the internal discords between the nobles who administered the city and the people were traumatic. Around 486 B.C. Gelone took possession of the city; he had to enlarge the city. At his death, power passed to his brothers, a democratic government was established. In 405 the Carthaginians commanded by Hannibal, threatened the city. The government was again entrusted to one man, Dionisio I, who built great works including the fortress of “Eurialo”. After his death he seized power Agatocle. His violent death followed a period of tyranny. After the Pirro expedition, a democratic government was re-established in the city. In 269 the army imposed on the people one of them, Hieron II. At his death, violent fights for succession followed, and to restore order the Romans sent consul Marcello. In 210 BC after a two-year siege, Syracuse was definitively defeated and sacked by the Romans. Of its ancient splendor is the Monumental park of Neapolis: the Greek Theater, one of the largest in the world and the famous Latomia of Paradise in which the ear of Dionisio opens, a large cave with an entrance in the shape of a huge ear . In the Park you will also find the Latomie dell’Intagliatella and Santa Venera as well as the Roman Amphitheater. Also interesting is the visit to the Castle of Eurialo built by Dionisio at the beginning of the 5th century BC, to the Ciane river and to the Cathedral, the result of the transformation of the Doric temple of Athena. HOW TO GET THERE: from Villa Aurea take the SS115 up to Rosolini. Take the motorway to Syracuse, Catania.

The ancient Akrai was founded by the Greeks Corinthians of Syracuse in 664 BC. as a military outpost to control the road to the west. It was immediately embellished with temples, streets and a theater. It was first destroyed and then rebuilt by the Arabs; then finally razed to the ground by the earthquake of 1693. Today the historic center is presented with extraordinary baroque churches, eighteenth-century palaces, squares. The excavations begun in 1809 by the baron Gabriele Judica have brought to light the Theater, the remains of Bouleuterion, meeting place of the Senate, the Latomie of Intagliata and Intagliatella with Greek, Roman and Christian tombs and twelve rock engravings representing divinities. Palazzolo Acreide hosts the International Festival of Classical Young Theater every year.
HOW TO ARRIVE: from Villa Aurea take the SS 115 up to Noto. Take the SS 247 and continue until you reach the SS 124. Follow the signs for Palazzolo Acreide.


It stood on top of the Alveria hill, about six kilometers northwest of the New Noto. It was inhabited since prehistoric times. Colonized by the Greek Syracuse, the Hellenistic Neathos enjoyed a long period of peace and splendor during the Romanization of the island becoming first a “civitas foederata” and then a “municipium”. Occupied by the Arabs in 864 AD, it became in 903 the main city in one of the three districts in which the island was divided. The city followed the alternating Sicilian political events during the various foreign dominations, alternating happy periods with others less happy. Before its destruction, it counted 56 churches, 19 houses, buildings and a population of more than 20,000 people. Its decadence already begun in the sixteenth century for internal struggles, plague and other calamities, continued in the seventeenth century. Razed to the ground in a few seconds after the earthquake of 11 January 1693, the old Noto was abandoned and no longer rebuilt. Today a path from the 15th century tower to the church of Santa Maria della Provvidenza built in 1713 in memory of the victims of the earthquake along the ruins of all ages is a “must” for those who love archaeological sites. HOW TO ARRIVE: from Villa Aurea take the SS115 up to Noto. Follow the signs for Noto Antica.

Rock settlement already inhabited in the Eneolithic. The quarry extends from north-west to south-east for about 13 kilometers between two streams, the Pernamazzoni and the Busaitone. It can be accessed from Ispica and from Modica. The entrance from Ispica is dominated by the fortifications of the medieval city, the “Fortilitium”. Inside you can visit the Archaeological Park “Forza”, the jewel of the quarry. Of particular interest are the ruins of the Castle, of the Palazzo Marchionale, of the Church of the Annunciation and of the “one hundred stairs”, a staircase made up of 280 steps carved into the rock through which one reaches the bottom of the valley. The entrance from the Ispica-Modica state is dominated by the Catacombs of the “Larderia” with about 300 paleochristian burials of the IV-V century BC.
HOW TO ARRIVE: from Villa Aurea it is easy to reach the Cava in a few minutes along the Ispica-Pozzallo state road.


The Longarini quagmire is a wetland of about 200 hectares located in the territory of Ispica a few hundred meters from the coast. The depression contains salt water and is among the few natural lacustrine areas of the province of Ragusa. It is the largest of a complex of marshes that develop for a few square kilometers between Ispica and Pachino.
The area is used as a stop, during the migration period, by different species of birds during their seasonal journeys from Africa to northern Europe and vice versa. There are several species that can be found there and among these we remember the mallard, the flamingo, the heron and others.

Located between Noto and Pachino, it extends over five marshes: the Piccolo, the Grande, the Roveto, the Sichilli, the Scirbia. The reserve includes more than three kilometers of beaches of unique beauty accessible to visitors. The variety of environments, rock, sea. sand, dunes, fresh and salt water, make it a unique place.
Vendicari is, above all, a stopping point for numerous species of migratory birds, from flamingos to herons, from the black stork to the pelicans. The vegetation is very varied, as evidenced by the presence of myrtle, mastic, thyme, juniper, rush.


t is an archipelago located in the Mediterranean, in the Malta channel, 80 km from Sicily, included in the Italian physical region. Its capital is Valletta. Malta is internationally known as a tourist resort, for leisure and especially for culture, given that there are three UNESCO World Heritage Sites in the country: the capital Valletta, the Hal Saflieni Hypogeum and the megalithic temples.
HOW TO ARRIVE: from Villa Aurea reach the Port of Pozzallo, from which the catamaran leaves every day, which can be booked with Virtu Ferries, which reaches Malta in about an hour.